Iced Matcha Latte
I wanted to share with you the perfect recipe for some amazing focus and brain boost! It is called Iced Matcha Latte! It is DELICIOUS!
This Iced Matcha Latte is prepared with our LASER FOCUS Signature Blends and it's super easy to make!

- 1 tspn of our LASER FOCUS Signature blend.
-1/4 of any plant-based milk.
-Hand-full of ice cubs!
You can add a tspn of organic honey if you have a sweet tooth!
Put a teaspoon of our special LASER FOCUS Signature Blend into your cup and pour hot water over it (max 80 degrees)! Stir it with a spoon or use a matcha brush to foam it up. Add cold plant-based milk AND YOUR DRINK IS READY!
Enjoy all the benefits from your ICED MATCHA LATTE RECIPE and let us know what you think!
With love,